Stock Market News - How to Make the Stock Market Make Money for You Stock Market Secrets

Released on = October 11, 2006, 6:17 pm

Press Release Author = Stock Market Secrets

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = People from many walks of life have made a fortune in the
stock market. Could You Be Next ?

Press Release Body = DayTrading Tips >> Beginners Guide To Online Day Trading >>
Stock Trading Tip & Strategies By.-

One of the most motivating aspects about online day trading is the possibility of
taking advantage of stocks that are breaking out and rising fast to new highs.

Some stocks can go up 30% in a matter of minutes or double in price during the same
trading day. The stock market news constantly reports of hot stocks that are
breaking out and making tremendous gains in just a few hours. Knowing how to pick
these beautiful jewels can be worth a long lasting gold mine for any stock trader.

This is why stock trading can be such a profitable activity. Your job as a trader
consists in finding solid stock opportunities that are able to generate you the
greatest rewards in the least amount of time.

Experienced stock traders are always looking for those potentially profitable
opportunities while at the same time following a strategy that helps them reduce
their risk. Knowing when to " Get In " and when and why to "Get Out" are essential
for building long term profitability.

Stock trading doesn't have to be complicated as many people perceive. But you do
need to follow a well organized set of strategies and tactics that can help you take
advantage of certain market scenarios, that once you master them, you can aspire to
replicate profitable trades with consistency.

Fortunately some sites on the web provide effective and practical day trading
systems and strategies. One of those sites that can show you how to trade using
simple to understand and apply trading methodologies is Profitable Stock Market at

They focus on picking stocks with momentum that can generate great gains on the same

Momentum Trading - A Great Way to Succeed in the 4th Quarter

The 4th quarter of the year has historically been a blessing for the stock market.
This is the part of the year where you usually get to watch a lot of momentum stocks
and much longer and solid rallies outhere.

There are many factors that indicate that this 4th quarter could be especially good
for the stock market. The economy is still growing & corporate profits remain
robust. The economy and earnings have held up even after a two-year rate hiking
campaign from the FED. Then there\'s the steady decline in oil & gas prices that have
taken off the preasure on inflation worries and put more cash inside the pockets of

So Why trade momentum stocks this Winter ? Because certain stocks with momentum
bring the possibility of gaining as much as 100% on the same day. Some may only rise
10% on a few minutes, which means that you could make a cool $500 on a $5000
investment on the same day.

The problem is that if you don\'t know what stocks to look for and how to approach
them while limiting your risk, you won\'t even get close to making some profits.

You don\'t necessarily have to trade momentum stocks all the time. But you can learn
how to take advantage of them when you encounter the best opportunities while at the
same time limiting your risk.

Many experts agree that the 4th quarter will bring the traditional \" Christmas and
New Year's Rally \" for stocks. Do You know how to take advantage of this factor?
Discover more at Profitable Stock Market

Web Site =

Contact Details = Profitable Stock Market helps traders and investors take advantage
of momentum stock trading opportunities every week at

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